It's a new month, which means it's time for new short term goals! By now it should be pretty obvious that I'm a big fan of goal setting and I tend to stick to the same formula when it comes to how I set my goals.
Well, seeing as we are already almost through the first quarter of the year, I decided that it was time to switch up my monthly goal setting a little bit. Also, life happens and things change, so it was time for me to adjust my goals to match my life a little better.
So, let's get right into it.
I've decided that instead of setting monthly goals for the next few months, I'm going to set seasonal goals. This gives me a little more time to really dive into each one of my goals that is too big for a monthly goal but not quite big enough to become a full-year resolution.
All of this being said, my season goals for this month are: to pay off at least one loan/debt, get back into running/cardio, and use TikTok more regularly.

Pay off At Least One Loan/Debt
Here's a little something people don't talk about enough - paying off loans. Okay, people actually talk about this all the time and there's about a million different ways people recommend paying off things like student loans, but honestly most of us just try and figure it out as we go.
Personally, one of the biggest financial goals I have is to pay off all of my student loans early. Now, this is a big undertaking and truthfully if I think about it all at once it's pretty much a sure fire way to stress me out. So, I've decided to break everything down into smaller, more manageable pieces.
Rather than looking at all of my loans or various bills, I've broken them all down (and since I love lists) they're all in individual spreadsheets. Now I can go through and find the one I want to focus on during a specific period of time and work my way toward paying off individual pieces of my debt. This helps me keep myself not only organized but also makes me feel
better about working on saving money while also working toward more financial freedom.
Get Back Into Running/Cardio
Ever since recovering from Covid-19 I've been hesitant to get back into any form of intense cardio. I haven't even gotten back into an Empower style Pure Barre class because I've been so scared that I'm not going to be able to catch my breath.
But I'm now ready to get back into my routine and implement a cardio routine into my fitness plan again. I've talked about it before but I really love the Nike Run Club app. I think it's the best one for people who aren't great at running because the guided workouts really are amazing. I've never been a fan of running until I started using this app and using the guided runs so if you're like me and cardio is not your thing I highly recommend this app.
Since I've been loving going to the gym with my dad after work and going to Pure Barre 3-4 days a week, I'm going to start adding in either a run before work on the days I'm working from home or a run on my lunch break on the other days. This way I won't be changing up the other elements of my fitness routine - just adding to it!
Use TikTok More Regularly
Alright, truth be told I use TikTok all the time when I'm bored. But, it's not one of the main platforms I post blog content on. Not because I don't want to but because I genuinely get distracted or forget to post things even though I use it every day. So, I want to start getting better at integrating these videos into my regular blog/social schedule.
Just like I put every other post on my calendar, I'm going to start adding my videos onto my content calendar and add in time to film them each week. It doesn't take much more time to film and plan as long as I make it part of my routine, so that's what we're doing! (P.S. go follow me on TikTok @actuallythoblog)
Do you have any goals for the spring season? Share them below!