Happy Monday! I hope if it's freezing wherever you live (like Vermont) you are staying warm! I have to admit, the snow is very pretty, but I really despise being cold, so I'm currently sitting at my desk wrapped in a blanket, wearing my fleece lined tights.
I woke up a few weeks ago completely off my game and it got me thinking, how do I turn my day around when it started out rough.
Now for reference on a typical work day, I'm up by 5:30am at the latest and out the door by 6:30am; 6:40am at the latest. The other morning I woke up at 6:20am. So it's safe to say that I lost my sh*t and my morning quickly became one rapidly stressful event that left me feeling overwhelmed before I even checked my phone.
Thankfully, by 10 am I'd managed to turn my day around while working.
But how? I really hadn't thought much about it before today. Typically I just do things to get myself back on track without thinking about it. After talking to a few coworkers this morning though, I realized we all seemed to start this week off a little upside down, and I found myself doing what I always do; sharing my tips with them to help them turn their day around. So naturally, I had to share those same tips with all of you.
Use Your Commute to Boost Your Mood
I'm already a big fan of multitasking when it comes to my commute. I'll call friends or my parents, listen to music, podcasts or audiobooks, brainstorm - you get it. For me, I've got about an hour to boost my mood on my way into work. On this particular morning, I blasted my favorite Disney music because let's face it, nothing cheers me up like Disney music!
Take 10 Minutes to Do Nothing
Most of the time my bad moods come from feeling completely overwhelmed and way behind. That being said, finding a way to settle myself down and reset before starting any major projects helps in a huge way. So, whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed I take 10 minutes and do absolutely nothing. One of the best parts of my job is my walk from my car to my office because it's the perfect amount of time to do nothing. I can just walk, and clear my mind before getting to work.
Treat Yourself to a Coffee or Something Fun
I'm a major coffee fan (I'm sure you all know this by now), so naturally when I'm in a *not so great* mood I treat myself to a mid-day coffee. While we all know buying new things isn't going to solve your bad mood completely, but it's a good way to get you feeling at least a little bit better. Personally, I always go for a coffee or lunch, but if there's something small you've been wanting, then maybe it's the perfect time to cheer yourself up - at least for a second.
I hope if you're having a bad day, you can find a way to make it a little better!